Sunday 25 December 2016

About Me.

Harry here. I have no idea why I started this blog thing up but apparently this is a thing now. Some you may know me as fatz27 on Retro Pizza Zone, but please call me Harry. This blog is going to provide a bunch of good nutrients, which I am going to spoon directly into your mouth as if you are a baby. A bite of my life I suppose. Programing , Collections , Gaming and just awkrawd ol' me over here.

For you stragglers who don't know me, I'm Harry. I like to draw animatronics , I also like to program and restore them. I am kind of in love with multiple advertising mascots from the late 80's to 90's , and I have a strange attraction to Family entertainment centers, even though I'm from the UK. I like to snap photographs, especially of creepy old abandoned things , and just buildings in general. This is because I love architecture. Another thing you probably need to know about me , is that I like lost media, and I'm a keen researcher who is always willing to get to the bottom of something, even if it means scratching the bottom of Looney's barrel (quite literally!). There is probably a million and one other things I could say, but I'll save all our time.

Well what are you waiting for? Grab your pizza, open up RPZ and bookmark this page, for your daily (maybe weekly) spoon full of Mulch.
